Book Fair Takeover
The idea is simple: let your pupils take over your Book Fair!
With tips, timelines and a comprehensive toolkit, our free resources will give your pupils the confidence and independence to run your Book Fair as a class or whole school enterprise project. Every pupil – no matter their skills or experience – can apply for jobs and practise entrepreneurial skills as they take part in planning and promoting the Book Fair as a team.
Why run a Book Fair Takeover?

This project links strongly to the curriculum in the areas of Business, PSHE and Citizenship, Mathematics, English, ICT, Art and Design, ensuring that Book Fair Takeover is a valuable – and fun – educational experience.

Giving your pupils a personal investment in the Book Fair’s success will engage them with books and reading and can create a real buzz, involving more parents, pupils and school staff. This boost in excitement and attendance can help to earn more free books and teacher’s resources for your classrooms and libraries.

Allowing your pupils to take the reins in Book Fair planning, marketing, customer service and more means a Scholastic Book Fair doesn’t have to be time-consuming for teachers.
Once you have chosen a date for your Book Fair, check out the Essential Guide to Book Fair Takeover. Our handy guide has all the information you need to start handing over responsibilities to your students. Read about the benefits the project offers and follow the timeline and checklists for advice on what you and your volunteers can do before, during and after your Book Fair.
Five Ways to Run an Awesome Book Fair
Lucas Maxwell, Librarian at Glenthorne High School, gives his top five ways to run a brilliant Book Fair and how to get pupils engaged and involved with reading.
Book Fair Takeover School of the Year Award 16/17
Winner of the Book Fair Takeover School of the Year Award 16/17, Laura Comerford, writes about her experience of running the project and allowing her Year 6 class to take over their Scholastic Book Fair.
Anda’s Book Picks
When Anda, aged 10, visited Scholastic HQ as part of Takeover Day 2017, we asked her to write a blog about her favourite books available from Scholastic Book Fairs. Here are her top picks, and why she thinks you should…
Book Fair Takeover
The Book Fair Takeover allows your pupils to promote and run your fair!
Sam & Mark: Book Fair Takeover Ambassadors Q&A
Book Fair Takeover Ambassadors, Sam & Mark, share their top tips for a successful Book Fair.
Introducing: Book Fair Takeover!
The idea is simple: let your pupils take over your Book Fair!
Book Fair Takeover
The Book Fair Takeover allows your pupils to promote and run your fair!