Book Fair Takeover - Competition
School of the Year Award
The Book Fair Takeover School of the Year Award is presented annually to recognise the ingenuity, energy and commitment students put into Book Fair Takeover and to celebrate their successful Book Fair.
Enter for your chance to win:- £500 worth of children’s books
To enter, share with us what made your Book Fair a success. Was it working as a team, making new friends, creating the perfect poster, or something else? You can be as creative with your submission as you like – simply pick one of the following ways to enter:

1. Tweet us photos or a video about your Book Fair. Tag us @scholasticuk and use the hashtag #bookfairtakeover. Please note if you do not tag us, or if your account is set to private, we will not be able to view your entry and it will not be entered into the competition.
2. Email us photos, a video, a PowerPoint presentation, a blog or however you’d like to tell your Book Fair story. Send us your entry to . Make sure to include your school’s name, the name of the teacher or librarian running the Book Fair and any extra details you’d like us to know about your Fair.
You do not need to have strictly followed the structure of creating CVs, holding interviews and having specific jobs to enter – the most important thing is that students have taken an active role in their Book Fair.
The closing date for entries is 31st July 2024.
Any questions? Call us for free on 0800 212 281 or email .
If your entry features any photos of pupils, you must obtain parental permission before you submit your entry and confirm in communications with us. Entries may be shared on Scholastic’s social media channels, appear on Scholastic’s website or appear in future Book Fair Takeover resources.
Please read these carefully. 1. No purchase necessary to enter the competition. 2. Competition open to children aged 0 – 18 and closed to employees of the Promoter or anyone else connected with the promotions. 3. Entries must be received by 31st July 2024. 4. No cash alternative will be offered to prizes. 5. The Scholastic Book Fairs team will choose one winning entry from the competition. The decision of the Scholastic Book Fairs team is final and, due to the number of entries that will be received, no correspondence will be entered into. 6. Prizes may differ from description. 7. The winner will be notified of their prize. 8. For details of the winner, send a S.A.E. marked Book Fair Takeover to Scholastic Book Fairs, 1 London Bridge, London SE1 9BG, UK. 11. No responsibility will be taken for entries that are damaged, illegible, incomplete, lost or delayed in the post or otherwise fail to reach the Promoter by the closing date. Entries will not be returned to entrants. 12. The Promoter reserves the right to display entries in promotional material and on the website. 13. The Promoter will only use entrants’ personal information in connection with this competition. All personal details will be destroyed once the winners are announced. 14. It is a condition of entry that all entrants agree to be bound by these rules and are asked to retain a copy of these rules for any future reference. The Promoter is Scholastic Book Fairs, 1 London Bridge, London SE1 9BG, UK.