Mortal Engines Competition
Mortal Engines Competition
THIS COMPETITION IS NOW CLOSED. The winner will be contacted by the 28th February 2019.
WIN an iPad, a Mortal Engines book bundle and £50 in cinema vouchers for you and your friends to see the brand new film!
Welcome to a world where cities race around on wheels…and they’re hungry! On the hunt for smaller towns to consume, London is a monstrous beast with the power to tear the world apart – again.
Mortal Engines is coming to cinemas near you soon.
To celebrate, we’re giving away an iPad, a Mortal Engines book bundle and £50 in cinema vouchers for you and your friends to see it.
For your chance to win, write a story or draw a picture of your very own fantasy city. The most inventive design will be victorious!
Download the entry form here.
Please send your entries to:
Mortal Engines Competition
Scholastic Book Fairs
Euston House
24 Eversholt Street
Please include your name, address, school and phone number.

Please read these carefully. 1. No purchase necessary to enter the competition. 2. Competition open to children aged 11 – 18 and closed to employees of the Promoter or anyone else connected with the promotions. 3. Entries must be received by 31st December 2018. 4. No cash alternative will be offered to prizes. 5. The Scholastic Book Fairs team will choose one winning entry from the competition and three runners up. The decision of the Scholastic Book Fairs team is final and, due to the number of entries that will be received, no correspondence will be entered into. 6. Prizes may differ from images shown. 7. The winner will be notified of their prize by 28th February 2019. 8. For details of the winner, send a S.A.E. marked Mortal Engines Competition to Scholastic Book Fairs, Euston House, 24 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1DB, at least one week after the winners’ notification date. 11. No responsibility will be taken for entries that are damaged, illegible, incomplete, lost or delayed in the post or otherwise fail to reach the Promoter by the closing date. Entries will not be returned to entrants. 12. The Promoter reserves the right to display entries in promotional material and on the website. 13. The Promoter will only use entrants’ personal information in connection with this competition. All personal details will be destroyed once the winners are announced. 14. It is a condition of entry that all entrants agree to be bound by these rules and are asked to retain a copy of these rules for any future reference. The Promoter is Scholastic Book Fairs, Euston House, 24 Eversholt Street, London, NW1 1DB.